Friday, May 22, 2015

Slipping Away

It was easy to get caught up in his eyes for it was almost as if he spoke through them, even though the words came softly out of his mouth.  They had a grayish color with an undertone of sunrise yellow, surrounded by small-etched wisdom wrinkles revealing years of living.  We’d started with cancer waiting room small talk, but if you’ve been on a cancer journey long you quickly move to those things in life that really matter.  He talked about his daughter and grandkids and their love for him, and worry about his pain and the quickly approaching end of his journey.  Toward the end of our conversation, he paused, then smiled and talked about his dreams of just slipping away.

I blinked hard to try to hold back my tears, but they quietly streamed down my face.  As I wiped at my tears, a nurse called my name and with his eyes, I heard him say, “Thanks for listening, bless you”.  This morning I woke with the Simon & Garfunkel tune Slip Sliding Away, playing in my head, thought about his eyes, and wondered if this morning he’d slipped away ….  “Slip slidin’ away / Slip slidin’ away / You know the nearer your destination / The more you’re slip slidin’ away”.

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