Wednesday, May 6, 2015

MD Anderson Caregiver Week

Monday, I taught a beading workshop to start the week of activities offered to caregivers and family members of patients to celebrate Caregiver Week.   Caregivers play a critical role in our health and long-term care systems, but the American Psychological Association reports the physical, psychological, and financial stressors they experience are significant.  When compared to non-caregivers, caregivers report increased physical ailments, higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.  Many report inadequate time for sleep, self-care, and other health related activities that leads to lower levels of well-being and life satisfaction. 

I told my class on Monday, “You can’t be a loving caregiver, unless you take care of yourself.” They made simple wooden bead bracelets of different color combinations as reminders of how important it is for them to stay anchored in positive self-care practices.  I watched a caregiver make a bracelet first for her husband a cancer survivor, who sat reading a newspaper.  When she finished the bracelet and put it on his wrist, he gave her a kiss with watery eyes, and then sat with her at the beading table and helped her make a bracelet for herself.  As they started to leave, he came back and said to me, “Thanks, I hadn’t realized how much she’d lost herself in my care.  When we finished her bracelet I saw and felt her old smile come back.” 

Take care of yourself today!

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