Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Dreams of the Heart

The summer before I started graduate school at UNT I lived in Corpus Christi, Texas.  Ten years had passed since I’d learned to surf on the beach at Port Aransas, but the dream was still there.  Living in Corpus, which is just 40 miles from Port Aransas was like a dream come true.  My day job was selling advertising for a local newspaper, but somehow I managed to surf most days.   

Why surfing?  On bad nights in the Army when the silence of waiting was deafening, I’d dream of surfing, being one with the waves, and myself.  It was really a lazy summer, filled with too much sun and surf.  However, it was the summer I learned how important it is to “start with the dreams of your heart”.  Einstein called our heart dreams sacred gifts.  Gifts that many had never learned to listen to, thus never learning to surf and be one with the universe and themselves.  Listen to your heart today.                  

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