Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

Yesterday, I taught about “joy” in a class with caregivers and cancer survivors.  As I listened to individuals describe the joy in their lives, I was reminded of my own cancer journey and the importance that gratitude plays in moving me away from the fear and anger into a place where ordinary moments become special.  A 23 year, 4th stage breast cancer survivor talked about reading at night to her granddaughter and her gratitude for granddaughter snuggles.  A young mom with thyroid cancer talked about her fatigue, daily stress, and fear because she really doesn’t have the energy for work or being the mom she wants to be for her young kids. 

We all know these feelings for life has gotten way to complex, and most of us are facing constant change in our work and home lives.  What are the daily wellness practices that help you deal with these times?  Have you included gratitude in these practices?  If not, you must for an attitude of gratitude brings a peaceful calm that resets your well-being, strengthens your resilience and increases the opportunity for you to be the best you can be!

What are you grateful for at home?
What are you grateful for at work?
What are you grateful for in life?

Remember an attitude of gratitude gives you more moments of being who you want to be! 

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