Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Why am I here?

Yesterday got tough after I spoke with one of my coaching clients about their Christmas and learned of a family tragedy that had occurred during the holidays.  All day I felt the tears as I thought about how unfair and hard life can be.  Turning in our driveway after a Tuesday date night supper I caught a quick glance of a large dark cat darting between cars on the parking lot across the street.  I immediately thought it might be Sweet Boy, our Norwegian Forest cat that disappeared last year, but it wasn’t. 

Thinking of Sweet Boy reminded me of his long soft fur, his high pitched meow, deep purr, and tender moments he and I shared.  Slowly my sadness moved off as I thought about other tender moments I’ve shared, like the golden sunsets when all the goodness in the universe paints the sky.  Or walking through a sea of wildflowers and feeling their smiles as they are gently kissed by the morning dew.  Our life memory moments affect how we see the world, how we treat the world, how we treat others and ourselves.  Why am I here?  For me today, it’s all about creating and sharing more tender memory moments “we” can recall on those days when life becomes unfair and hard, and we’ve lost hope.  

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