Thursday, January 28, 2016

Achim Nowak's The Moment

Have you seen the latest book by Achim Nowak called The Moment: A Practical Guide to Creating a Mindful Life in a Distracted World?  Yesterday was my cancer care day, and I had a list of questions for my oncologists about my decreasing stamina and weight loss. Since November, I have had to learn to better pace my walking and physical work and sit down when I am tired.  This has been harder on MaryBeth and friends that have never really seen me out of energy, but for me, it has become my way to stay engaged in life, just slower. 

As I sat in a treatment room waiting for my oncologist I pulled out The Moment and started rereading the section on craving meaning.  Purpose, meaning and passion have always been major drivers in my life, and as I read, I felt most of my life I have lived these words.  Achim talks about Barbara Fredrickson concept of “micro-moments of love”, or the moments of pure positive energy, we share with others.  I reread these pages several times realizing I was having an epiphany.  In my new slower world, I am learning to fall back in love with each micro-moment of life.  Fall in love with life’s micro-moments today.      

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