Friday, July 31, 2015

Life's Fuzziness

Life’s Fuzziness

Yesterday, I had my simulation for the radiation I will start next week to stop cancer that is eating away at my right 7th rib.  My oncologists is concerned that someone could give me a tight hug, or accidentally hit my rib cage breaking the weakened rib, and possibly puncturing my lung.  I walked back to work feeling a cold déjà vu kind of fear from the 33-radiation treatments I’d had 8 years ago. 

As I rounded a corner, Tom Burke, MD (EVP MDAnderson Cancer Network), was sitting working on emails.  He asked about my cancer, and then we talked about the fuzziness with this part of cancer journeys.  It’s the fuzziness in life that can zap our confidence and passion if we let it.  We high-fived, and I walked away from Tom and the cold déjà vu fear, realizing life’s fuzziness has always been the most exciting part of this journey we call life.  Today enjoy life’s fuzziness.  

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