Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Live Out Our Courage

I was up early, for today starts two days and ten appointments consisting of scans, x-rays, blood draws, and a bone marrow aspiration.  I am in a clinical study that is looking at how the order of three different drugs slows down advanced prostate cancer.  Wednesday, I sit with my oncologist and discuss the new drugs I will start, for the first drug only worked a few months.  Last night MaryBeth, Auggie, and I shared dinner with another couple and laughed a lot as we shared puppy stories.  As we walked home, I thought about what Nepo calls “living from our core” and how much of life we spend searching for the inner courage to face the unknown.  I’ve always been a good tree climber and last night as I climbed a tree in my dreams, I felt the light that is at the center of my core and gives me the inner courage to thrive.  

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