Friday, December 4, 2015

Pure Love

Wednesday is new patient day in the Genitourinary Cancer Center, so the front desk is busy and the waiting room chairs close to the clinic doors are usually taken.  We are a bunch of old men who can’t hear and must sit near the doors to ensure we don’t miss our appointments when the nurse calls our names.  After checking in, I looked for an open chair and found one across from a couple about my age.  He wore a Vietnam Vet cap, and I thanked him for his service as I sat down.  Their fingers were softly entwined in a way that suggested they had been together for many lifetimes, and you could feel the concern in her eyes as she looked at his walker.  It has been said that love is the deepest emotion we will ever experience, and watching these two lovers I could feel a love that had transformed into more than the brightest firefly.  In her book haiku mind, Patricia Donegan, describes how love moves us to another level of “being”, where there is no self and no lover – just pure love.  May your holiday be filled with pure love.       

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