Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cancer Checkups & Body Vibration

A rare morning ride to work with the sun already up and the clouds painted with the softness from the suns last morning yawn.  Yesterday, I taught Laughter Yoga to a small group of cancer survivors and caregiver 2-hours before my 3-month cancer checkup.  The days of cancer checkups my body has either an anxiousness vibration created by fear, or a joyful vibration created by gratitude.  After our last breathing exercise I had the class hum, and then put their hands over their ears, and hum again noting the change.  One caregiver described the change in vibration as stronger, and yet more intimate.  Learn to listen to your daily vibration, a window into your spiritual health.

1 comment:

Shazia said...

Thank you for your inspiring blog posts Bill! I look forward to them each day. Always a highlight to my morning.
