Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Change and Growth

I’m a dyslexic and didn’t get diagnosed till after college, my Army tour, and knowing I could do better.  My dad and granddad were also dyslexic’s and my son is dyslexic.  Elementary school was tough; I repeated the 3rd grade.  Middle and high school were not much better and my first 4 years of college were more about work and the Vietnam War than school.  My diagnosis was a fluke, but after being diagnosed my world changed.  I began to realize that I learned by exploring and doing, and my imagination and creativity were strengths.  Hans Christian Andersen, Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci, Edison, Einstein, Steve Job and many more were all dyslexic.  One of my favorite John Maxwell saying is, “Change is inevitable, growth is optional!” Today, be open to change and the growth opportunity it brings. 

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