Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wild Flowers

My stepmom called me at work and told me my dad had died. We knew his time was short, and at my last visit I kind of said goodbye, but I didn’t get a chance to tell him all the things I was feeling as I held his picture and felt his enduring smile. The day after my mom died I was in a field picking wild flowers, crying, and telling her how much I loved her. The day after my dad died I was back in a field picking wild flowers, crying, realizing both my parents were gone and wondering how life would work. But it has. Dag Hammarskjold said, “Life only demands from you the strength you possess”, and these days I work to maintain my resilience, so I can love and be loved each day. What wild flowers will you pick today?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry Bill. Lifting you up in prayer today!