Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lemons into Lemonade

My dad had flown B29’s in Korea, so ROTC was a no brainer. It would help pay for college and I would become an Army helicopter pilot. Riding back on the bus from Folk Polk after our flight physicals; everyone was hoop-n-hollering except me. I had flunked the flight physical and was in the way back of the bus feeling lousy. One of my favorite ROTC staff came back and we talked briefly. He was an Airborne Ranger who had served two tours in Vietnam. By the time we arrived back at campus I had decided, “If I couldn’t fly them, I’d jump out of them.” That decision, the training, and Army experiences changed the way I approach myself and life. What’s that old saying, lemons into lemonade? Why not make some lemonade today.

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