Friday, March 18, 2016

What's Your Cramming Style

March has been “Vege Out” Month as our team promotes eating more vegetables and chill out or vegging out to increase the effectiveness of your daily de-stress efforts.  Today we set up a Frisbee Golf course on our prairie from 10am – 2pm.  We had four holes and 20+ Frisbee’s of all colors.  A healthy mix of forty-one employees participated representing faculty, nurses, research coordinators, and facility personnel.  I have no doubt that next weeks Frisbee Friday will bring over 100 players looking for a little fun during their break from work.

About 15 individuals walked by and would say, “no time” and walked off with their heads buried in cell phones trying to read / answer emails and unaware of the new colors splashed across the prairie or the Texas blue sky dotted with big white fluffy clouds.  Wayne Muller in his book Sabbath talks about how our relentless busyness and drive for success has seduced us into cramming more into our lives.  Through cramming more in, we’ve lost the essential rhythm of rest and have forgotten the reenergizing power of still and silent moments.  As we bubble over with too much, life becomes more urgent than it really is, and we stop making memory moments as our mindlessness spreads.  This weekend consider your cramming style, and next week add reenergizing moments of stillness and silence every hour.  Start living and experiencing life fully again!

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