Thursday, March 10, 2016

Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood…

Where am I going?  Where have I been?  What choices along life’s way have made all the difference?  Last week as I walked the forest surrounding the Commonweal Retreat I quickly became deeply reflective.  It was the mix of the woods and circle work in a community of learning and caring that each day had me reaching deep.  The mix of past, present, and possible futures were like ocean waves that I’d surf, and at times tumbled down their face reliving past moments or experience the fear of free-falling into too many possible futures. 

What did I learn at Commonweal?  It wasn’t so much what I learned, but the reminder of those lessons along the way making the journey awesome!  Much of the awesomeness has to do with the people, relationships, love, kindness, and their unconditional compassion.  I also recognized that I am the kind of person that accepts the mystery, unknown aspect of life.  Faced with two diverging paths, you can count on me taking the one that offers the mystery of untold possibilities.  Why?  Because I’ve learned that along this path I will meet unconditional people who also believe the mystery in life paths are awesome!  How about you?  Two roads diverged in a yellow wood…  

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