Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My Visit to Commonweal

Last week I was at a Commonweal Healing Circle meeting held at their retreat center in Bolinas, CA.  It was an extraordinary gathering of people focused on small group work that “touches the soul and helps us find our way”.  Each day I experienced the power of circle practice and listened to stories shared about transformation and healing.  The rain and heavy morning mist kept me from climbing down the ropes hanging off the cliffs to walk the beach and feel the power of the raging waves far below.  Instead, I walked the deep green forest mindful of the poison oak, awed by the calla lilies, and lost in deep thoughts about my life and cancer journey.  Towards the end of the week one early morning after walking the labyrinth, I wrote, “again and again the goodness that surrounds me lightly brushes my soul; strengthening my resolve to fully live each day as my cancer slowly spreads.”  What is your resolve today?

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