Friday, March 11, 2016

Are You Mindful Enough?

Sunday, I took one last walk to the cliffs to stand and watch the waves far below, and instantly I was back in high school English reading the words of William Blake, “To see a world in a grain of sand / and a heaven in a wild flower.  / Hold infinity in the palm of our hand / and eternity in an hour.”

Maybe it’s just me, and my stage IV cancer journey, but multiple times a day the fragrance of a flower, a whimsical cloud formation, a blade of grass sparkling with morning dew, or rainbow window reflections become moments where I move from the mundane to extraordinary.  It is in these boundless moments of a broader vision of life and its meaning, I hold infinity in the palm of my hand and eternity is but a moment I experience.  Are you mindful enough “to see a world in a grain of sand”?

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