Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day 2016 Fun

There was way too much excitement at our house on Father’s Day for my grandkids to eat much of the pizza or even the cupcakes.  We not only celebrated Father’s Day, but also a belated birthday we had missed due to our current health challenges.  A favorite activity at our house was MaryBeth’s drums of all shapes and sizes that not only produced lots of noise, but also plenty of smiles as we watch new songs being created by a very young man exploring his courage around music self-expression.  Dog chase was the game of the day, that turned into dog chasing grandkid and lots of laughs, and shrills from dog and grandkids. 

At some point, MaryBeth tried to slow things down with calming kids music on the radio, but when the song changed and she heard the jungle beat she quickly moved her conga drums out of the corner and became part of the percussion celebration.  Kaleb and I celebrated our fatherhood by giving each other the best gift ever by being together and surrounded by those, we love.  I hope you were also blessed with Father’s Day memory moments.       

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