Monday, March 14, 2016

Lord of the Dance

Friday, my oncologists tried to reach me with the results from the body and bone scans I had taken several weeks ago but missed me since I was working an information table on sleep at different locations around the hospital in my pajamas.  Several hundred people stopped at the table to see if I was a lost inpatient (smile) and gained a short coaching session on sleep.  Finally, my oncologists called MaryBeth and told her that my scans had moderate changes suggesting my latest chemo was not working.  The clinical trial I am in has three oral chemo’s and I have been through two.  We will meet in two weeks and decide if I move to the final oral chemo or chemotherapy by infusion. 

Sunday morning as I walked around the yard following a large swallowtail butterfly, she stopped by the pear tree with its nectar-rich soft white blooms.  As I stood and watched her gently kiss each flower, the stillness of the moment surrounded me and I felt my anxiety about the upcoming chemotherapy decision fall away.  I could feel God dancing as the large swallowtail fluttered her wings, and I heard my dad’s favorite hymn, Lord of the Dance.  “Dance, then, wherever you may be, /I am the Lord of the Dance, said he, /And I’ll lead you all, wherever you may be.  /And I’ll lead you all in the Dance, said he.”

This week, dance, wherever you may be with me…………

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