Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sky of Gratitude

It’s been a tough month with too many days of lousy stamina, so after meeting with my oncologist, we agreed I needed more days off from the 2nd oral chemo he’s added.  We are hoping my new routine of 5 days on, 2 days off; 7 days on followed by 7 days off will give my body a needed rest and chance to repair.  We also talked about the dark side of my journey, and he referred me to palliative care.  Arriving early for my appointment and sitting in the waiting room with two men, one in pain and one showing the anguish of a slow death, brought back memories of my hospice work – and then the nurse called my name. 

By the time the nurse had completed her patient intake, I was feeling more comfortable with being in palliative.  We talked about things no one had ever asked in my eight-year journey, but it felt good, for it was getting at who I am.  The therapists took this conversation further and I had moments of laughter, hard tears, followed by heart led revelations.  Before the physician sat down, I told him how much his team had helped guide me to a better place.  He smiled, for it was just what my oncologist had ordered.  The 3-hours with the palliative team had reenergized my lifeblood and got me back in touch with me.  That night as I parked at the grocery store I could once again feel my lifeblood and the sky boiled over with my feelings of gratitude.  Get in touch with your lifeblood today.

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