Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Don’t Take Life Moments for Granted

In my laughter yoga class today, I had several cancer survivors, caregivers, and also a grandma and her grandchild who were waiting for news about a daughter/mom.  Two of the participants were a couple where the man was the cancer survivor and had experienced five recurrences of cancer in different parts of his body.  At the end of the class, the man took off for the restroom and his wife and I had a chance to talk.  I told her, “Your husband appears to have a great attitude”, she told me, “He always has, and he just seems to be one of those individuals who has chosen to live life deeply never taking a day for granted”. 

Inside I could feel my smile grow as I thought he gets it, none of us can take a day or life moments for granted.  Maybe it was after the first bullet flew over my head in the Army that I realized tomorrow is not a given, but a hope!  My cancer journey has underlined the importance of living in a way that each life moment opens up and deepens the experience of living.  We are midway through February of 2016, are you still taking life moments for granted?  Don’t! 

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