Thursday, June 2, 2016

Thank You!

Hope, Emily Dickinson wrote, “Is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops.”

Positivity psychologist Barbara Fredrickson suggests that hope arises when circumstances are dire.  Tonight I remind myself that my hope is real, and with hope, I focus my energy on healing, which energizes my belief in life.  Driven by the possibilities that today has brought through inspirational notes from so many friends I find deep within me the core belief that what is today can change. 

In a few hours, I will head to a CT scan, but I won’t be alone, for I carry all of you with me in that intangible space we share called hope.  Tonight, if I show up in your dreams don’t be alarmed, it’s just me whispering, “Thank you for you being you and sharing a bit of your hope in life with me”.  

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