Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Heart Saved Experiences

How do you engage or energize your resilience, your internal strength to remain strong and true to yourself throughout each day?  Start in your head and immediately you start thinking priorities, to-do lists, and pretty soon you are ruminating about all the things that have gone wrong.  Start in your heart and you are driven by what’s important in life: life passion, purpose, joy, your beliefs and values, and life lessons from past experiences.  Life lessons are heart saved experiences that define who we will become. 

In graduate school, I worked the odd shifts in the emergency room at Flow Hospital, Denton, Texas.  I remember one of my first shifts as we waited for ambulances returning from a bad accident with serious injuries.  As the doors swung open, and the gurneys rushed in, for just an instant, I flashed back to my first Army medevac ride, with the screams, chaos, and blood.  After that medevac ride, I swore I’d never ride in a medevac again, but I did, again and again – and then I was back in Denton and I was ready, for the Army taught me I was good under fire, good when chaos ruled.  What have you learned through your heart saved experiences that are defining who you are becoming?

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