Friday, November 6, 2015

New Beginnings

Third grade was tough and by the end of the year I still was having trouble talking, holding my pencil correctly, writing & spelling, and just fitting in.  That summer my mom took me to the LSU Speech Lab where they made a recording of me talking.  As I listening to the recording, I was shocked at my baby voice and remember when we got home my mom wrapped her arms around me as we sat in her rocking chair.  Finally, after most of my tears had stopped she softly told me to never be afraid of “new beginnings”, and I would repeat third grade the next school year. 

My mother released me from the fear of new beginning when I was 8, a gift I wouldn’t really understand or appreciate until as a young adult I was challenged with some really tough new beginnings.  The evening cancer took my mom after most my tears had stopped, sitting under my favorite tree by the LSU lakes, I heard her voice softly whisper never to be afraid of new beginning.  She’d taught me to be positive, open to new experiences and relationships, to seek support, be realistic, and to be tenacious.  She’d given me the freedom to fail, stand up, brush myself off, and try again.  What’s your “new beginning” attitude?

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