Friday, November 13, 2015

Expanded Sense of Life

Her husband attended a Sunday school class I taught, but I didn’t really know her.  Charlie ask me to start visiting with them, for she was dying and I was a hospice volunteer for VITAS.  Her last stages of life where very stressful for her and the family, and as I walked out into the evening after her passing I was physically exhausted, but filled with an expanding sense of life.  Most mornings I pray for the courage, faith, and life energy to be filled with an ever expanding sense of life.  It’s so easy in a cancer journey to be narrowed by fear, self-pity, and loss of hope, lessening our sense of things and shrinking our hearts.  I have learned that by sharing the seeds of my expanding sense of life in the morning with others, my heart like an opening flower touched by morning dew opens more fully to life moments.  Expand your sense of life today!

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