Friday, July 1, 2016

Visit from an Angel

Tuesdays, I sat on the bench across the sky bridge from the Picken’s entrance waiting for participants to gather for my labyrinth walk.  Some Tuesdays, my labyrinth walk is a class I just teach; however, this past Tuesday, I really needed the labyrinth walk, for I was hurting inside. Last Friday, we had our first death in the Metastatic Healing Circle I attend.  Brooke was the youngest member of our circle and had so much love of life, and so much more of life to live, and her death brought back memories of the violent deaths of young friends I had experienced in the Army in a war few supported.  Then on Monday, I met with my oncologist and we looked at my cancer markers.  Since January, my cancer marker (PSA) has steady risen (10 – 164) suggesting chemotherapy resistance or some of my cancer cells have become resistant to the drugs and my cancer continues to grow, so I was hurting inside. 

As I sat on the bench, I could feel the pressure of the tears behind my eyes, soon I was wiping away beginning tears, and then I felt her presence.  Brooke was an old soul with a big heart; she had a way of connecting that always made you feel special.  She and I sat there for a few minutes, and then an elderly couple approached the bench.  He was pale and thin, you could feel his pain as he slowly sat down on the far side of the bench.  His wife stood by his side with her hand softly on his shoulder.  He slowly turned and looked at me and said, “Are you the greeter?” and I said yes, and then he said, “You two are on the same journey”.  A sky bridge cart stopped by the bench, and as I watched him move from bench to cart I slowly realized what he had said, he had felt her presence.  Today be open to visits from angels that fill our lives with hope.   

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