Friday, July 8, 2016

Learning to Hang Out

Last week on several days, I put in too many hours at MD Anderson, which meant on those days and the day after; I didn’t have the energy for a real life after work.  This week, I’ve paced myself better and my life after work has brought more shared time for MaryBeth, me and Auggie to just hang out.  Dealing with the fatigue of cancer is a slow learn and very frustrating.  I have strong memories of my mom’s long struggle with cancer and her return from multiple surgeries where she would tell my dad, “Boyd, I just want my life back”.  Toward the end of her life, she gave me some great years and memories I cherish.  Lately, in my dreams, I have watched little Billy Baun as he sits with his mom in the backyard, by the fireplace or space heater, and I begin to feel once again the power of love shared while just hanging out.  Those of you who know me well, know that just hanging out goes against who’ve I’ve been, but I’m learning how to enjoy who I am as I hang out.  How are your hanging out skills?  Maybe you also need some practice – smile.

1 comment:

MaryBeth Pappas Baun said...

I treasured those moments when Bill discovered the joys of “just hanging out” and miss them, and him, dearly. Rest In Peace, my love.