Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Prayers on the Wings of a Butterfly

Sunday, MaryBeth, Auggie, and I headed to the McGovern Centennial Gardens and after a few short stops ended up on a log bench in the beautiful Family Gardens.  Surrounded by the rich smell of herbs, and flowers of all colors I was transfixed by two Monarch butterflies playing chase.  Every autumn, the monarch butterflies east of the Rockies migrate from as far north as Canada to Mexico. Memory is not their guide — no one butterfly makes the round trip — but each year they somehow find their way.  The sun felt good, as I thought, like the Monarch butterfly, somehow I’d found my way through the last couple of months of hardships at work, and with my spreading cancer.  My internal smile grew as I thought about how my prayers are like the wings of the Monarch butterfly, somehow releasing me each day from life pain, and allowing me to be.  May your prayers be on the wings of a butterfly…

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