Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Finished My Radiation – YES!

My favorite time of the day is when I first wake, and for just a few moments, I am straddling between the conscious and unconscious mind.  These are soft moments when memories mix, my passion for life is once again ignited, and my body is washed in warmth I don’t feel at any other time of the day.  Yesterday, I woke to memories of ringing the bell that hangs in the radiation oncology hallway.  In 1996, Rear Admiral Irve Le Moyne, a patient installed a brass bell for all patients to ring in celebration of finishing their radiation.  In my half-conscious dreams yesterday, I felt the ring and all its goodness before I heard it.  You see, our hearts possess a small brain that can sense, feel, learn and remember.  The hearts caring, compassion, and appreciation influences our brains and we feel good.  Today, listen to the whispers of your heart as you strive for heart-led living!

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