Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Trust in Life’s Awesomeness

Are you, like me, addicted to beautiful sunsets?  The clouds were too perfectly hung in the sky as the reddish orange blush of the setting sun slowly sank in the horizon.  But sunsets, like so much in life, are moments instantly lost as dusk moves to twilight.  December is my birthday month and filled with birthdays of family and close friends, moments of laughter and celebration I try hard not to lose.  Lost in the moment, I caught a purple flower petal that was spinning in the gentle wind, and for just an instant I felt her lightness against my palm.  Slowly I opened my palm and let her purple brilliance mix with the blush of the setting sun, and watched her spin away as the wind lifted her off my palm.  Learning to let go has been one of my hardiness spiritual lessons, a lesson of release, relief, surrender, and trusting in life’s awesomeness.  Trust in life’s awesomeness this holiday season. 

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