Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Learning to Laugh - 1963

MD Anderson Believes in Laughter

My boyhood neighborhood had sewage ditches; I mean deep sewage ditches along all the roads and in front of all the houses. I had just got my driver’s license and I was taking a solo ride around the neighborhood and took a turn too fast, spun out the back wheels that slid the back end of the car into a sewage ditch. Neighbors came to help, but it was stuck, so I ran home and got my dad who was ticked. The only words I remember, “The stupidity it took to do this is unbelievable”. He got in his car to go home and call a wrecker, and promptly backed into the ditch on the other side of the road. As he got out of the car a grin broke across his face, and both of us burst out laughing. Laugh a little more today and harness its healing and renewing powers – we believe in laughter at MD Anderson.

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