Thursday, January 30, 2014

Army Ranger Cory Remsburg

My dad had flown in WWII and Korea, so Army ROTC at LSU was a natural fit.  One of the ROTC instructors had started a Bengal Raiders group to train cadets to survive Vietnam.  We’d train weekends in the swamps learning tactics, leadership skills, teamwork, and a better understanding of our physical and mental limits.  You know how life works, that experience rippled into me becoming an Airborne Ranger.  When I broke my back it was my Ranger training that got me through 6 months of hospitalization and 6 months of a full body cast.  As I watched President Obama describe Army Ranger Cory Remsburg as a man that, “never gives up, and he does not quit", I understood where that came from.  Gain strength from your life ripples today. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

We Don't Do Life Alone

Yesterday I met with Reel Recovery, a national non-profit organization providing free fly-fishing retreats for men coping with cancer.  It got me thinking about how my survival tactics have changed along my cancer journey.  Research shows men tend to manage stress on their own through fight and flight tactics, while women use tend and befriend tactics that promote better health and healing.  The latest findings of the Life After Breast Cancer Epidemiology study suggest it’s not just the size of social support networks that decrease mortality, but network quality combined with the levels of social-emotional support from family.  At some point I realized I couldn’t do this alone, and got more comfortable with telling my story, and seeking out social-emotional help from others.  Be mindful today of those seeking your social-emotional support. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Friendship Factor

We sat by the lake on a wooden bench with the warmth of the sun at 6,230 feet above sea level.  For every 1k foot of elevation gained the suns intensity increases by 4%, so it felt like we were on a beach.  20+ years ago we’d sealed our friendship on a beach walk and a willingness to share our hopes and fears.  Saturday, we sat on the bench and talked about my cancer, about his move to a new job and community, about our kids.  We laughed, shed a few tears, and connected as we always do through our hearts.  I have no doubt that the energy of our friendship will continue to glow, long after our souls have departed.  Thank a friend today for their heart connection.   

Monday, January 27, 2014

Colorado Springs Weekend - Garden of the Gods

I’ve had conferences at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs 4-5 times over the past 20 years, but its presence and mountainscape still leaves me breathless.  I stood on Cheyenne Lake and listened to the geese, closed my eyes and felt the cool wind wrap me in a calm healing spirit.  I turned, opened my eyes and saw the red tops of the Garden of the Gods, and memories like tears came back of my first visit as a child many years ago.  We all have places inside us that bring us a deep spiritual and emotional calmness – we just have to mindful enough to let go to get there.  Today, be mindful enough to let go. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Mindfully Ignite Deep Spiritual Connections

No scooter ride today.  I am on my way to Colorado Springs this afternoon, so after scrapping the ice off my truck windows, I drive to work in the comfort of a cozy warm cab.  As I pull out, I immediately miss my usual, almost sensual engagement with the space around me.  The high we experience as runners, bikers, surfers, and skaters is not just hormonal and endorphin changes, but deep spiritual connections ignited as we move.  My scooter rides, inline skate sessions, or walks, become moments where I am more mindful of how I explore and fully engage in this adventure we call life.  Today, move more, and be mindful of when you ignite deep spiritual connections to the web of life. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bernie Siegel & Winter Storms

National Weather Service today: Winter storm warning in effect for Southeast Texas, producing rain during the day, possible sleet tonight. All through high school I drove a stripped down 1948 Willis Jeep without sides, doors, or a roof. On rainy days I wore a poncho, but in hard rains I’d still get to school wet and would use the dryers in the gym to dry my clothes. I left today on my scooter wearing my overcoat, with raingear stored under my scooter seat. Bernie Siegel, in his book Faith, Hope & Healing said, “You make your own weather by focusing on sunny or cloudy skies.” Pay attention to your reflective focus today and choose joy to thrive! Faith, Hope & Healing - Bernie Siegel

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

MD Anderson Roberto Clemente, Jr. Meeting

I met with Roberto Clemente, Jr. last week and gave him a wellness coach tour of MD Anderson showing him the many faces of caring at our institution and he was impressed. He was 6 when his dad died (1972) in the plane crash delivering supplies to Nicaraguan earthquake survivors. Roberto carries on his father’s legacy of kindness and goodwill through the many projects he is involved in helping kids and adults. It’s easy to see how he has become an inspiration to many. As he drove off, I realized he had that stillness of spirit we see in people that live in the present, making the most out of each day, uncluttered by dwelling on past regrets or future fantasies. Where will you dwell today?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Steve McQueen Weekend

Last week, I sat in a waiting room with a woman whose cancer had spread to her brain. She had been a piano teacher and her hands were beautiful. After a few minutes she said what all with advanced cancer wish, “Why can’t I just live with my cancer?” then smiled and said, “Let’s not waste a day”. Her smiles and hug stayed with me all weekend as I rode my scooter around the back streets of Houston dreaming I was Steve McQueen in the movie the Great Escape and trying to catch up with my son who was running the marathon. At the end of Mary Oliver’s poem The Summer Day, she asks, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Monday, January 20, 2014

Houston Marathon - Life Booster

Yesterday, my 35 year old son who lost ~ 60 pounds last year completed the Houston marathon.  It was his first marathon since high school, and a PR of 4:10.  I drove him to the starting line at 5:30am, met him at mile 6, 18, 23, and the finish line.  His wife, kids, mom, and I were all marathon boosters showing up around the course, like thousands of others.  One family I kept running into called it a race within a race, where boosters are running around the course supporting their runners.  We all need “life boosters”; individuals that step up for us in challenging times.  No special skills required, just willingness to BE THERE for others.  Try it and see the difference you make in your life and the life of someone else. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fly Me to the Moon

I had a melody stuck in my head last night, “Fly me to the moon, Let me play among the stars, Let me see what spring is like, on Jupiter and Mars.”   We all have moments we want to run away from life.  About midnight one of our cats stretched out along my arm, rested his head on my wrist, and immediately went to sleep.  The warmth of his coat and his tiny heart beat on my wrist brought calmness and confidence; a blessing received through another’s touch.  We’ve all been there, we just sometimes lose our way, but a little love always brings us back.  Show someone you care today!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lab & Radiology Results

I end my class yesterday with my favorite Pooh Bear scene, “you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think”, and then headed to my appointment.  In the waiting room I meet a newly diagnosed patient and his wife from San Diego, you could see it in their eyes, I wanted to tell them, “You’re braver….”.  My doc has very intense caring eyes, and his clinics always run behind because he meticulously goes over reports, listens, and answers all your questions.  As a young man I was a top handball player, and loved the speed and intensity of the game.  My lab and radiology reports showed I’m down a point, and we need to move to another tactic, something I’m really good at, and with the support I get from many of you, I’m braver than I believe, stronger than I seem, and smarter than I think. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cancer Stories Shared

The three of us shared a bench in the CT scan area.  She talked about the 4th stage breast cancer in her bones and liver, but smiled as she talked about her husband’s love.  I was starting to talk about my cancer journey, but stopped and turned when the young man next to us apologized.  He was starting to cry, he had testicular cancer and it had spread to his lungs.  He wiped his eyes, smiled, and talked about how cancer had strengthened his family.  Minutes later their names were called and we all stood, held hands and wished each other the best.  Shared cancer stories have a way of weaving bonds of love and hope.  Her cancer bloomed love, his cancer brought a family closer together, and mine has empowered my message about the goodness of life, something you must never forget!  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Follow Up Cancer Care Day

Today is my first cancer follow up care day for 2014. It starts with a 6:15am blood specimen, then a CT scan, chest x-ray, and finally a 1:30pm bone scan. These tests are important for they help us watch the prostate cancer that has metastasized to my lymph nodes. After 7 years of care days each 3-4 months I’ve overcome the nausea of worry, and learned to acknowledge the feelings, but then let go before they get too out of proportion. I truly believe my practice of mindfulness or the moment to moment intention of “living well” maximizes my well-being, creating a healing environment. Practice letting go and watch your life moments fill up.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Jon Kabat-Zinn - Self-Intimacy

The past four days I’ve been working in Charlottesville, Virginia on a 10 acre horse farm in a small cottage next to the front pasture and barn, a short walk from the main house.  Charlottesville parallel’s the Blue Ridge Mountains so my views were full of waves of winter forest painted against a cloud filled sky.  I spent my mornings and evening alone reading, reflecting, meditating, praying, and enjoying the peacefulness of solitude.  Solitude filled with meditation and prayer, a chance to explore, regain perspective and an inner richness restoring self-intimacy.  Take advantage of solitude moments that can restore your body-mind-spirit connections. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Unconditional War on Poverty – Driven by Heartfelt Experience

In 1964, I was in high school, when President Lyndon B. Johnson declared an “unconditional war on poverty”.   The last few days hearing his voice on the radio, and stories about his childhood in Stonewall, Texas in a house without electricity or indoor plumbing, has underscored the power of action driven by heartfelt experience.  Johnson talks about teaching poor students in 1928, never thinking he’d have a chance to really help those students get out of poverty, but now as President he had that chance and he declared, he meant to use it!  What does your heartfelt / life experience declare you do in 2014?  DO IT!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pieces of Light - Memory Science

I’ve been slowly making my way through Charles Fernyhough’s book, Pieces of Light, which is about the science of memory.  Memories are told like stories, to others and oneself as we travel back in time through our neural time machines.  Memories allow us to be two people at once, who we are now, and the person we were then, and both individuals have a say in the memory.  Our memories allow us to see time as memories merge into memories, but they are also powerful statements about who we are, and who we believe we can be.  Where will your memories take you in 2014?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Kriegsfeld Special Weapons Depot - North Point

It’s cold, and the cold brings back memories of my service in Germany in the early 70’s.  I rode a scooter to work until the snow got too deep, and I would hitch a ride with the depot commander.  He had served several rough tours in Vietnam, and many found his speech pattern disconcerting for it was full of hesitations, uncomfortable spaces of silence, usually followed by introspective brilliance.  We rode together for one snow season, but he taught me the importance of silent space of introspection that heal wounds and help us grow.  Give yourself silent space for introspection each day of 2014, and experience growth and healing.  

Friday, January 3, 2014

Soul Gazing Moments

One of my favorite times during the day on our holiday vacation was the late afternoon when the sun started her downward journey to bathe in the bay. The shimmering path she made on the water always felt like it led to a window to heaven. We were always outside at this time on our balcony, or beach walking, but these moments always became filled with soul gazing. You know, when we allow ourselves intimate moments with only our spirituality, moments of just being, and feeling the awe of creation. In 2014, give yourself soul gazing moments each day.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Boy Scout Memories & 2014 Gifts

The awesome sunsets on our holiday vacation reminded me of my Boy Scout years and how as first up I’d get to softly blow on the evening fire embers to start the morning fire.  Each of us brings different gifts, strengths, and skills to the teams we serve.  Some of us are good starters, and have a knack at gathering up yesterday’s energy, relationships, and generating synergy and new ideas.  Maybe you’re a starter, or an improver, or a finisher, it doesn’t really matter which one, what matters is that in 2014 you recognize your gifts as blessings, and share them with others!